Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

The websites , and use cookies to track user preferences and thus improve their experience on each visit.

In this Policy we will explain in detail about cookies.

These are small text files stored in your browser that allow it to recognize and remember your browsing


What are the benefits of using Cookies

This information will be saved and, when you visit our website again, it will recognize your browser and be able to maintain your previously selected options and preferences, including keeping your account connected or remembering your registration credentials.

Do they last forever?

Don't worry, cookies usually have an expiration date or you can manage them directly

It is worth mentioning that some cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser, while others must be deleted manually.

Most applications and Internet browsers accept cookies. However, you can, at any time, use features of your browser to block the installation of cookies or to be informed when they are activated. In some cases of automatic acceptance you may have to delete or block cookies manually.

What happens if Cookies are not accepted?

If you reject the use of cookies, you will be able to visit our website, but some of the functions may not work


What type of Cookies do we use?

Necessary cookies

They are essential for the website to function correctly. For example, those used when logging into your account. Failure to provide it will prevent access and use of the account.

Analysis cookies

They are used to improve the website content and your browsing experience.

Functionality cookies

They are used to improve the website content and your browsing experience.

Marketing cookies

They are used to, based on your information when accessing our website, direct you to advertising from us or one of our partners.

Important notes

  • It is important to highlight that ASC Brazil is not responsible for the use of cookies made by third parties, who may monitor your online activities even after leaving our website. Therefore: it is recommended that you clear your browsing history regularly or use tools available in your browser to prevent the use of third-party cookies.
  • By using our websites without deleting, changing or rejecting some or all cookies (which you can do at any time), you agree that we can place those cookies that you have not deleted or rejected on your devices.
  • You have the right and can prevent the storage of cookies on your computer by configuring and selecting the “do not accept cookies” option within your browser.
  • Please note that if you do not authorize the use of some essential cookies necessary for the functionality of our website, this may result in restrictions and limitations on your experience.