Terms of use

For you to better understand how our websites work

We've done our best to reduce and simplify our site rules. Therefore, we have separated the most important points for you below, which can also be read in a very complete and detailed way in the Terms of Use below .

Furthermore, we are always available to answer any questions you may have, via chat and contact us available on the platform; by telephone (11) 3514-9600 and (34) 3257-6000, available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm; and at the physical address Av Nicomedes Alves dos Santos, 1881, Morada da Colina, City of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, CEP 38411-106.

We are a company specializing in customer service software.

You don't need to pay anything to use our websites.

We try hard to make our websites secure, but we still recommend that, before downloading any content, you install antivirus and protection programs.

Our Terms of Use may change, but you can always access the most up-to-date version on our website. Furthermore, if we are going to take any action that the law requires your authorization, you will receive prior notice so you can accept or refuse.

We have a Privacy Policy that addresses what we do with your personal data. It is very important that you read and understand this document too!

The following Terms of Use are divided as follows to facilitate your access to information:

  • Date of Text Availability;
  • Explanation of Technical Terms or in a Foreign Language;
  • Purpose of the Site;
  • User Restrictions;
  • ASC Disclaimer;
  • Intellectual Property Rights of the Website Controller;
  • Developments in Access to the Site;
  • Changes to Terms of Use;
  • Personal Data, Privacy and Security;
  • Applicable Law and Venue of Election;
  • Contact.


Sites called “ ASC ”, whose domains are HYPERLINK “https://www.ascbrazil.com.br/” https://www.ascbrazil.com.br/, HYPERLINK “https://ascsac.com.br/ ” https://ascsac.com.br/ and HYPERLINK “https://ascsac.ai/” https://ascsac.ai/, are owned, maintained and controlled by ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE COMPANY LTDA, a legal entity incorporated in the form Limited business company, registered with the CNPJ under nº 14.665.256/0001-22, with headquarters at Av Nicomedes Alves dos Santos, 1881, Morada da Colina, City of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, CEP 38411-106.

This document aims to provide information on how to use the websites, their tools, conditions, in addition to explaining the rights and duties of Users and is in compliance with Law No. 12,965/2014 (Marco Civil da Internet) and Law No. 13,709 /2018 (Personal Data Protection Law).

We warn that the entire text must be read carefully and, if you (also called “ User ”) do not agree with the content of our Terms of Use and/or Privacy Policies, do not continue browsing. We also recommend, if accepted, that you store or print a copy of this agreement, including all policies.


This document was made available on 09/24/2020.


Below are the meanings of technical nomenclatures and terms in the English language.

Download : Transferring a file from a specific server to the User's computer.

Virus : Malicious software that infects systems and computers, with the aim of causing damage, makes copies of itself and tries to spread to other computers, using various means.


3.1. ASC websites consist of electronic platforms to promote our service platform; show success stories; provide rich materials to inform subjects related to our product/service; content generation to establish relationships and communication with the public; show on the website that we use what we sell (e.g. digital service channels); publicize our internal vacancies on Work with Us; publicize promotional campaigns;

3.2. There are no fees charged for using the sites.


4.1. Users may not:

4.1.1. Harm the rights of ASC, website operators, third parties or act in any way or manner that may contribute to such infringement;

4.1.2. Perform acts that limit or prevent the use of the websites or illegally access the website;

4.1.3. Use the tool to carry out illegal actions and disseminate messages unrelated to the websites or their purposes, including messages with illegal and inappropriate content;

4.1.4. Insert data that is false, outdated or incomplete;

4.2. If any breach of conduct is detected, the User's access to the websites may be blocked.


5.1. ASC is not responsible for:

5.1.1. Possible unavailability of the platform, for which there was no cause.

5.1.2. User conduct and failure to comply with their obligations.

5.1.3. Insertion of false information by Users;

5.1.4. Damage that the User may experience due to the exclusive actions of third parties, as well as network connection failures and malicious interactions such as viruses.

5.1.5. Damages that the User may incur as a result of misuse of the platform in violation of these Terms, the Privacy Policy, the law or court orders.

5.1.6. Acts of God or force majeure.


6.1. Ownership and rights relating to the websites belong exclusively to ASC . Access and regular use by the User do not grant him any right or prerogative over intellectual property or other content contained therein.

6.2. All platform content, including the brand, logo, domain, databases, files, texts, drawings, photos, layouts, headers and other elements, was created, developed or transferred to ASC, and is, therefore, the exclusive property of ASC or licensed to it and is protected by Brazilian laws and international treaties that deal with intellectual property rights, such as Law no. 9,610/98.

6.3. The User is not authorized to use, in any form or pretext, the brand, its variations, domains and signs that belong to ASC or are displayed on the websites.

6.4. The following are prohibited: reproduction, in whole or in part, exploitation, assignment, imitation, copying, plagiarism, storage, alteration, modification of characteristics, sale, donation, alienation and transfer of any content on the websites.

6.4.1. The reproduction of our content for informational and educational purposes may be permitted, provided that our express authorization is requested.

6.5. The User who violates the prohibitions contained in intellectual property legislation and in these Terms will be held civilly and criminally liable for the infractions committed, in addition to being prevented from accessing the website.


7.1. Despite ASC 's best efforts to provide secure access to Users, due to technical difficulties, internet applications or transmission problems, inaccurate or incomplete copies of the information contained on the sites may occur.

7.2. Illegal acts committed by third parties and beyond our control may also occur, such as unauthorized intrusions and hacking actions. Additionally, computer viruses and other harmful programs may also be inadvertently downloaded from websites.

7.3. Therefore, ASC recommends installing appropriate antivirus and protectors on your computer or smartphone before using or browsing the websites and downloading any material contained therein.

7.4. ASC reserves the right to unilaterally modify the websites, as well as the configuration, presentation, content, functionalities, tools or any other element, including its cancellation .


8.1. ASC may unilaterally add and/or modify any clause contained in these Terms of Use. The updated version will be valid for use of the platform after its publication. Continued access or use of the sites, after disclosure, will confirm the validity of the new Terms of Use by Users.

8.2. If the change made requires the User's consent, the option will be presented to freely, unequivocally and informedly accept the new text or to reject it.

8.3. If the User does not agree with the change, they may not provide consent for specific acts or may completely terminate their relationship with ASC. This termination will not, however, exempt the User from complying with all obligations assumed under the previous versions of the Terms of Use.


9.1. ASC websites have a specific policy to regulate the collection, storage, use and processing of personal data, as well as their security: the Privacy Policy. This specific policy inseparably integrates these Terms of Use, highlighting that the data will be archived in accordance with current legislation.


10.1. The sites are controlled by ASC in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and can be accessed by any device connected to the Internet, regardless of its geographic location.

10.2. The User agrees that the applicable legislation for the purposes of these Terms of Use and Privacy Policies will be that in force in the Federative Republic of Brazil.

10.3. ASC and the User agree that the court in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, will be the only one competent to resolve any issue or controversy arising or resulting from the use of the websites.


11.1. ASC provides the following channels to receive all communications that the User wishes to make, namely: via chat and contact us available on the platform; by telephone (11) 3514-9600 and (34) 3305-8885, available from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm; and at the physical address Av Nicomedes Alves dos Santos, 1881, Morada da Colina, City of Uberlândia, State of Minas Gerais, CEP 38411-106.